- Civilians can no longer fight. 平民不能攻击。
- I can no longer pocket her insults. 我再也无法忍受她的侮辱了。
- We can no longer support the President's continuance in office. 我们不能再支持总统连任。
- The helical spring can no longer be used. 盘簧不能再用了。
- Romantic fiction can no longer attract her. 浪漫小说已不再能吸引她了。
- I can no longer support his behaviour. 我再也不能容忍他的行为。
- You can no longer steal from Courier Containers. 不再能从一个快递任务货柜箱中偷东西。
- Artillery Captains are now invulnerable and will no longer fight. 炮兵队长现在无敌了,并且他不会进行战斗了。
- Dollars can no longer be converted into silver. 美金再也不能兑换为银。
- I can no longer put up with this noise! 我再也无法忍受这种喧闹了!
- For instance, Ting Ling can no longer be a deputy. 比如丁玲,就不能当人民代表了。
- The company can no longer service its debts. 那家公司已无力支付债务利息。
- This state of affairs can no longer be ignored. 再不能无视这种情况了。
- Ships in combat can no longer load troops on them. 正在战斗中的船不能载卸部队了。
- Carrier cargo holds can no longer be overloaded. 航母的船舱不再会过载。
- The emperor can no longer be inherited. 神罗皇帝不再能被继承。
- I can no longer see myself. My shape is fading. 我感觉不到自己,我的型正在逐渐消失。
- The individual septum can no longer be seen. 各个间隔再也不能看出。
- And that is a torment I can no longer bear. 持续下去的还有我再也无法忍受的折磨。
- The context has expired and can no longer be used. 上下文已过期,不能再用了。